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    红桃杰克 Monsieur Ripois (1954)

    最近更新: 2024-01-12 HD
    • 主演:热拉尔·菲利普 / 瓦莱莉娅·霍布森 / 琼·格林伍德
    • 导演:雷内·克莱芒 (René Clément)
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:法国 英国 
    • 年份:1954 
    • 更新:01.12
    • TAG:喜剧 / 剧情
    • 别名:红心杰克
    • 豆瓣评分 暂无评分
    • IMDB评分 6.8 (票)
    • TMDB评分 6.80 (热度:1.43)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上法国/英国电影《红桃杰克》的免费在线观看,《红桃杰克》是对白语言为英语,属于喜剧,剧情类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:   From the Louis Hemon novel "M. Ripois and His Nemesis" about Andre Ripois, a philanderer in pursuit of love and riches from Paris to London. Andre is breaking up with his wife, Catherine, over his attentions to her best friend Patricia. While ...... 完整简介请见下方


    • 哈哈哈哈哈也太逗了 穷小哥撩妹指南 驾船落水告白法 给上司送丝袜法 公车偷手套归还法 赖在老妓女家法 但都敌不过被一个francophile大姐姐反撩至结婚 最后光荣断腿后大姐姐兴奋地感叹了一句“now they live happily forever”哈哈哈哈哈//中间欠房租把家当塞进大衣开溜之类的桥段也很不错。克莱芒娴熟地在多重叙述声音之间切换精彩 尤其是公车一段。另外喜欢他的女人都喜欢小狗实在是神来之笔 M.Ripois究竟是什么呢?这究竟是男性向后宫戏还是女性向俊美小哥偶像剧呢?
    • 拍摄《相逢》时,为了不引起伦敦街头路人的注意,克莱芒故意把摄影机藏在自行车里,这种大胆前卫形式的发明者一举成名。
    • De temps en temps we all love to see a handsome womaniser fall off, n’est-ce pas. The truth is only someone as pure, as maladroit, as cute as Gérard can play such role and doesn’t annoy me. Il me plaît beaucoup et I don’t ask for more. :)
    • 克莱芒的作品还没怎么看但是这部撩妹指南拍得倒是妙趣横生,再加构图的精妙非常赏心悦目 结尾处理的也很解恨哈,为了一时的爱意冲动毁了双腿算是对他一生放荡的惩罚吧 叙事也很有意思,每一段往事都穿梭于现实影响着Pat最后的决定,许多段落设置的幽默风趣却又不失内涵 这故事似乎在告诉我们爱情并非永恒不变,它可能会随着人与人之间的距离而变质又或是独立与否的人格也在影响我们作出的选择,物质层面的金钱也是衡量两性间平等的准则
    • 3.5
    • 观影盘点期,看过补脚印
    • 这种小白脸风流史最有趣的部分还是看各种把妹套路,但是勾搭上富家千金那段也太没信服力了吧。
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    From the Louis Hemon novel "M. Ripois and His Nemesis" about Andre Ripois, a philanderer in pursuit of love and riches from Paris to London. Andre is breaking up with his wife, Catherine, over his attentions to her best friend Patricia. While Catherine is out arranging the divorce, Andre, just to keep in practice, hits on the girl upstairs, Diana and then turns his attention back to Patricia, who he tricks into having dinner at his flat on the pretext that Catherine will be there. When he cannot make any progress with her via his usual tactics, he tries to arouse her pity be telling her of his past. In his early, impoverished days in London, he made love to his boss Anne but her dreadful cooking drove him away. Next came Norah who he picked up on a bus and took to his flat and told her about his make-believe inheritance, but she insisted on marriage first, which was not in his plans. Marcelle, a French woman living in Soho, put him on his feet with money, and he repaid her by stealing fifty pounds and running off. He met the wealthy Catherine at his flat where she came to be tutored in French lessons, and ended up marrying him. But, even at his wedding, he had eyes only for Patricia and, he tells her she is his one true love.





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